Dates have now been rescheduled for AWF Wrestling at Supanova Comic Con & Gaming Convention 2020! The new 2020 dates are: 7 & 8 November: Brisbane, Queensland 21 & 22 November: Perth, Western Australia 5 & 6 December: Sydney, NSW
AWF is looking forward to these events very much and being part of what will be excellent showcases of Australian Wrestling Talents from each state. Talents and Feature Bouts to be announced in the lead ups to each events. Tickets and Convention details at #awfsupanova2020 #supanova #supanovaexpo #supanovacomiccon #awfnsw #awfqld #awfwa #awfarmy #awf #awfwrestling #awfwrestlingnews #australianwrestlingfederation #thisisawfwrestling #awfpivotshare #awfmerch #awfarmy #australianwrestling #aussiewrestling #australianprowrestling #prowrestlingaustralia #prowrestling #prowrestlers #indywrestling